Salesforce CRM for Online Retail: Features & Benefits

Salesforce CRM is one of the most popular CRMs on the market today. And for good reason - it’s feature-rich, user-friendly, and customizable. But what about online retail? Can Salesforce CRM really help online retailers manage their customers and sales? The answer is a resounding yes! In this blog post, we will explore the features and benefits of using Salesforce CRM for online retail. From customer management to order processing and more, Salesforce CRM can help online retailers streamline their sales process and improve customer satisfaction.

Salesforce CRM for Online Retail: Features & Benefits

Salesforce CRM for Online Retail: Features & Benefits

1. Intelligent Advertising

Salesforce's intelligent advertising features allow you to target your ads to the right customers at the right time. You can create targeted ad campaigns based on customer behavior, demographics, and more. With Salesforce's real-time reporting, you can track the performance of your ads and make changes on the fly to improve results.

2. Personal Journeys

In this section, we'll be exploring the personal journeys of three different online retailers who have all utilized Salesforce CRM to help them grow their businesses. By understanding how each of these businesses use Salesforce, you'll be able to get a better sense of how this CRM can benefit your own online retail business.

The first business we'll be taking a look at is an online jewelry retailer called Bijoutery. Bijoutery had been using a different CRM prior to switching to Salesforce, but they found that it wasn't providing them with the features and benefits they needed to scale their business successfully. After switching to Salesforce, Bijoutery was able to take advantage of powerful features like custom objects, lead scoring, and automation rules. These features helped them streamline their operations and scale their business effectively.

The second business we'll be looking at is an online furniture retailer called Furniture 123. Furniture 123 had been using Excel spreadsheets to track their customer data prior to switch to Salesforce. This created a lot of inefficiencies in their workflow and made it difficult for them to get accurate insights into their business. After implementing Salesforce, Furniture 123 was able gain real-time visibility into their customer data, which allowed them to make more informed decisions about how to grow their business. Additionally, they were also able utilize

3. Unified Commerce

Salesforce CRM provides online retailers with a unified view of their customers, helping them to provide a better customer experience. Online retailers can use Salesforce CRM to track customer interactions across all channels, including website, mobile app, phone, and in-store. This gives retailers a complete view of the customer journey and helps them to identify areas where they can improve the customer experience. In addition, Salesforce CRM provides online retailers with powerful tools for managing their sales and marketing activities. Retailers can use Salesforce CRM to create targeted marketing campaigns, track their sales pipeline, and measure their performance.

4. Delivering on All Channels

No matter what industry you're in, online retail is a competitive landscape. In order to win, you need to be able to reach your customers where they are and engage with them on their terms. Salesforce CRM for online retail gives you the ability to do just that. With features like omnichannel engagement and personalized experiences, you can deliver a seamless customer experience across all channels, whether it's web, mobile, social, or in-person.

Omnichannel Engagement: As customers move from one channel to another, Salesforce CRM for online retail ensures that their data moves with them. That way, no matter how they're interacting with your brand, you have a complete view of their interactions and can provide them with a consistent experience.

Personalized Experiences: With Salesforce CRM for online retail, you can create personalized experiences for each customer based on their data. By understanding who your customers are and what they're interested in, you can provide them with relevant content and recommendations that will keep them engaged with your brand.

Seamless Integration: Salesforce CRM for online retail integrates seamlessly with other Salesforce products, so you can manage your entire customer lifecycle from one platform. This includes everything from marketing automation to ecommerce to service and support.

Benefits of Salesforce CRM in Online Retail

The e-commerce sector is one of the most competitive and rapidly growing industries today. In order to stay ahead of the curve, online retailers need to make use of cutting-edge technology and tools. Salesforce CRM is one such tool that can help online retailers streamline their operations, improve customer satisfaction, and boost sales.

Some of the benefits of using Salesforce CRM in online retail are as follows:

1. Helps Streamline Operations: Salesforce CRM helps online retailers manage their customers, inventory, orders, and other data in a central repository. This makes it easier for retailers to track their progress and identify areas of improvement. Additionally, Salesforce CRM provides users with real-time insights into their business operations.

2. Improves Customer Satisfaction: One of the main goals of any business is to ensure customer satisfaction. With Salesforce CRM, online retailers can keep track of their customers’ interactions and purchase history. This information can be used to provide personalized service and resolve any issues that customers may have.

3. Boosts Sales: By using Salesforce CRM, online retailers can increase their sales through targeted marketing and upselling/cross-selling initiatives. Additionally, Salesforce CRM provides users with powerful tools for managing discounts and promotions.


Salesforce CRM for online retail provides a number of features and benefits that can be extremely helpful for businesses in the industry. With its ability to track customer behavior, manage inventory, and create targeted marketing campaigns, Salesforce CRM can help streamline your business operations and boost your bottom line. If you're looking for a comprehensive salesforce development solution for your online retail business, Salesforce should definitely be at the top of your list.


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